Keynote speakers

Claudio Faccenna (University of Texas, Universita Roma Tre), Subduction Zones Interaction Around the Adria Microplate and the Origin of the Apenninic Arc

Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth (GFZ Potsdam, RWTH Aachen University), 3D density distribution and thermal field of the Alps and their forelands

Sierd Cloetingh (Utrecht University), From the deep Earth to the surface : Frank Horváth as a source of inspiration

Taras Gerya (ETH Zurich), Lateral propagation of slab tear during retreating continental collision: numerical model and simple theory

György Hetényi (University of Lausanne), Orogeny: selected studies from Ludwig von Loczy to AlpArray

Fadi Nader (IFP-Energies nouvelles) & Liviu Matenco (Utrecht University), The International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins - an introduction

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